Your solution partner

Integrated services in the logistic sector.

Logistics Expertise

Explore our full range of logistic services tailored to ensure your cargo moves seamlessly across borders. From punctual freight delivery to tailored logistics strategies and safeguarded storage, we are equipped to handle all your shipping demands.

Maritime Transportation

Offering custom solutions to meet the needs of customers with full-container-load (FCL) and less-than-container-load (LCL) container transportation services to almost all major ports worldwide

Air Freight Transportation

Fast, reliable air transport solutions tailored to your needs. Trust us for secure, on-time deliveries worldwide.

Road Transportation

Providing reliable and fast road transportation services to every corner of the world.

Our Advantages

Explore the standout attributes that position AGK Export Import & Logistic Ltd ahead in the industry.

Uninterrupted and High-Quality Service

Customer satisfaction is our priority, and we strive to deliver uninterrupted and high-quality service.

Experienced Team

With our expert and experienced team, we offer professional solutions to all kinds of logistics needs.

Flexible and Competitive Pricing

We aim to provide the best value to our customers through competitive pricing policies and flexible service options.

Competitive Maritime Transportation Services

Through slot agreements with shipowners, we offer competitive pricing and high service quality.

Streamline Your Supply Chain

Embark on the journey to optimize your trade flows with AGK Export Import & Logistic Ltd. Our proficient staff and innovative approach ensure an effortless and effective logistics experience.

Company Number: 15697286